Tulsa By Larry Clark

In this photo is a young boy, who looks like he has got the taste for death. what I mean by this how his has his tongue on the gun like he is tasting the metal and he seem like he isn't scared of death if he is playing with a gun or he could be planning on killing himself and one last taste of freedom before he goes.
The main focal point is him, himself with the gun and tongue, I think what makes this photo outstanding is the fact that its a young person and how he feels down about life and feels the need to end it. it is an emotional photo because someone so young wants to do that to them self it makes you think that people feel the need to end life and feel that unhappy just because they cant fitting into society and what people call "normal" but what is normal, No one is normal we are each unique and a different style to other.
The colour of this photo is black and white it give this cold feeling to the photo which makes you have feeling for the photo,which i think what the photographer wanted to give off about the photo the light of this particular photo is quite bright and what stands out is the gun that he he is holding that is the only dark part about this photo but it has a dark message/meaning
In this photo are two young teens standing in a bath,there could be a number of reasons what could be going on.The first one could be they have been court doing something sexually and by the looks of it someone has walked in e.g. parents have walked in by the look on her the girls face its probable her parents have,I say this because the boys face has a smile on it,But saying that she could of been court by her boyfriend and she is doing sexually things behind his back with someone else and that's why her face looks so shocked and serous because she knows whatever she is doing its wrong.or though they could be looking into a mirror and she isn't happy with what she see's and he is looking smug like he knows that he has nothing he wants to change,but like i said in the last photo there are young people that feel the need to pick out things they hate about themselves and just keep remind themselves everyday and not let it go even though they are perfectly fine but its what they think it don't matter what anyone else says to them,They wont listen.
The main focal point is them two because they are in the middle of the photo and looking right back at you in the photo.
The colours are dark on the outside but light as it comes nearer to the two young people standing in the bath,But coming back to what might be happening in the photo why is there water?I think they was having a bath together or a shower but the a shower was out in everyone's house until about the late 70's also just looking at the bath room style it looks about 70's
Now in this photo is a pregnant women looks like she is about 9/8 months just because of how big she is and how her belly has dropped which means it won't be long till she has the baby this photo is not every nice to see and its hard to look at knowing that people really do this when there pregnant,No judging because you don't know what there are going throw to do this to themselves and knowing there is something growing inside of them it don't bother some people but that saying "A picture can paint a 1000 words" and this really dose.
I like they was the photographer has put the light on the top of the belly because I think its like a light shining down on that baby showing there is always a light at the end of the tunnel which is a way to look at it really this baby has no hope but with a mother that injects herself what chance dose this baby really have that's why I like to look at it like that knowing there isn't but everyday is new day to change.
the tone is mainly Gray and some light/dark in this photo.
The main focal point is her,herself but I feel its not,its her arm/top of her belly area because its showing you she is injecting and the top of the bump where the baby is its showing the baby is in-between the needle and her arm.
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